Designed in 1957, the Coat of Arms represents the true identity of the Cayman Islands...
Our Coat of Arms & Flag

A resolution for the Cayman Islands National ‘Arms’ was passed in 1957 by the local Legislative Assembly of Justices and Vestry. The Royal Warrant signed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 14 May 1958 assigned these ‘Armorial Ensigns’.
The main elements of the Cayman Islands official Coat of Arms are a shield, a crested helm and the motto. A golden lion, representing Great Britain, is found at the top of the shield, on a red background. Three green stars, set in the shield, symbolise these Islands. The stars rest on blue and white waves, which represent the Caribbean Sea. Above the shield is a green turtle (heralding Cayman’s seafaring history). It sits on a blue and white wreath which has come to symbolise the seafaring and thatch-rope industries.
Behind the turtle is a pineapple, which is indicative of the traditional ties to Jamaica. The Cayman Islands’ motto, He Hath Founded It Upon the Seas, is written on a scroll below the shield. This verse, Psalms 24:2, acknowledges Cayman’s Christian heritage, which is also constitutionally recognised.
The Cayman Islands flag features the British Union Jack in its upper left-hand corner, and the Cayman Islands Coat of Arms, encircled in a white disc, at the right-centre of the blue field. The maritime ensign is similar, but features a red field. Cayman-registered vessels should fly the red Cayman ensign internationally. Foreign vessels in Cayman waters should also fly this flag as a courtesy.

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